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Response Essay

Writing a Response Essay Demands a Thorough Analysis and Solid Writing Skills

Most students face their first response essay when they are in high school English classes, because the majority of these essay types are written relative to literature read. Students may be asked to analyze the themes and their relationship to current life; students may be asked to identify and explain symbolism in a short story or novel or react to the conflicts in the work. The response essay is not assigned only for literature, however. As students progress into university study, they will be asked to respond to a variety of reading selections, to include fiction, of course, but as well, the writings of philosophers, politicians, sociologists, psychologists, scientists, etc. In short, a student can be expected to write a response essay in almost any course taken.

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In the social sciences particularly, a response essay may be assigned so that a student may analyze a particular social, political, or economic phenomenon and respond relative to its implications for the future of a society. Such an essay may relate, for example, to the controversy surrounding climate change, to the advent of the Tea Party movement in American politics, or to the prospect of genetic engineering. 

The response essay requires a topic, of course; but more important is the thesis statement, which is the point of view to be taken by the writer as he or she responds to the writing of another. The thesis statement should be the major function of the introduction and must be stated as clearly and yet creatively as possible. It is important that the thesis statement grab the interest of the reader as it divulges the main position you are taking.

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The body of the response essay should be carefully organized, so that there is not a confusing mix of each aspect involved in the analysis.  Examples from the piece of literature read, or from statements, writings, or actions of individuals will make your response assertions strong and credible.

The conclusion of any response essay merely needs to re-state your thesis in a different way.  You have analyzed and responded, providing examples and data, and your “case” has been made!

Occasionally, students who face a response essay assignment are in the middle of a number of other essay and writing assignments. They may be rather overwhelmed with the deadlines they face and thus consider using an online writing service to complete the essay they need.  There are innumerable online writing services available to students, which offer cheap solutions, primarily in the form of previously sold essays or cut and pasted, poorly organized works. When you buy a response essay from one of these cheap services, you will be sorely disappointed. If, however, you choose EssaysExperts.com, you pay a bit more and receive a custom work, written solely for you and never sold to anyone else!

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