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Our Guarantees

  •  We provide the guarantees that no other legal essay writing provider can offer.
  •  We provide plagiarism-free papers. If you want to be sure that your work is original, you can contact us and order a plagiarism report. If you detect that your research paper is not authentic, then we guarantee a complete refund. Please mind that you will have to send us a valid plagiarism report as proof of your claims. Remember that only the text written by our specialists is tested for originality.
  •  We promise to do our best to satisfy our clients. If you find that your custom essay is not written up to your specifications, just contact us within 48 hours after the delivery date and we promise to make changes free of charge. Note that long papers consisting of 20 or more pages can be revised within 30 days after the order has been completed. However, you should not forget that original guidelines should not be modified.
  •  A revision process may take up to 24 hours due to the complexity of guidelines. However, the revised work can be delivered even quicker. We promise that your research papers or custom essays will be written by professional and qualified native English-speaking writers holding at least university degrees.
  •  We promise to provide a top quality writing service and around-the-clock customer support for your assistance.
    We promise to protect your confidentiality. We never disclose customers' personal information to the third party. Our company never resells or publishes the papers ordered by our clients.
  •  We promise that all the sources used to finish your custom essay will be cited in a proper way.
  •  We guarantee that we run a reliable business and you will never be sorry for choosing us.
  •  We do care about everyone who turns to us for assistance. Therefore, we provide an efficient Money-Back Guarantee service for our customers. In case your writer has not meet your requirements when completing the order, you are entitled to request a refund within 14 days after assignment delivery. Please give us a specific explanation as to why you believe you deserve a refund. Your case will be examined by our Refund Department within three or four business days. We want to assure you that our specialists always work effectively to prepare top quality papers on time and satisfy our customers.
  •  We promise to follow your instructions precisely when working on your assignments. You can be sure that your assignment will be delivered on time. If you have not received your work according to the specified deadline, you can use our Money-Back Guarantee function (check the "Terms and Conditions" page for more information).
  •  If you want your custom essays and assignments to be highly competitive at any level, do not look for other companies anymore!

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