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Learn more about the Formats for Essays

Assigning students to write a paper, professors indicate the essay format to be applied. It is necessary for students to learn the rules of various essay formats since this is an important aspect of a successful completion of all academic writing assignments. One should realize that knowing the formatting rules that apply to the required format is the key to successful academic writing and, of course, excellent grades.

Of course, it’s much easier to deal with the formats for essays which you’ve already arranged papers in. When it goes about new essay formats, the situation is much more complicated. Still, even in this case, the way out exists. Whether you need to apply a standard essay format like MLA, APA, or an uncommon one, you can always turn to us for assistance.

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Essay Format: What It Is and Why It Is Needed

An essay format is the so-called system, which a paper is arranged in. It refers to the structure and the way citations, headings, list of references and other elements are organized in. It is crucial to maintain a coherent essay structure and format the entire academic work properly since one’s grade and overall impression about it depends on it. As to the structure, a common essay usually includes the following elements:

  • Title page
  • Abstract (usually no more than 300 words)
  • Table of contents
  • Research question
  • Thesis statement
  • Introduction
  • Arguments
  • Sub-headings
  • Concluding section
  • Appendix
  • Bibliography
  • Introductory section
  • Research question
  • Body section
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

This is a format example, which you should consider when working on your paper. Still, professor’s requirements and guidelines need to be considered first.

Students may have problems learning how to write papers in the various essay formats since the latter vary. Of course, there are a number of different resources, which they may use to understand how to set the right format. However, it is a lot of information to assimilate, especially if students have to write more than one paper in more than one format. One may say that it’s easier to cooperate with instructors who can explain everything step-by-step. But what to do if your professor lacks time for explanations? Under the circumstances, one should seek help from EssaysExperts.com, a superior online academic writing service that provide you with an essay in any of the major formatting styles. If you also find it hard to make a right essay structure, consider contacting our agency as well.

Creating an Essay in MLA Format

Different types of formats have distinguishing characteristics. Four of the available citation styles are used more frequently than others. Probably the most frequently used format is the MLA style as defined by the Modern Language Association. The MLA style is most commonly used for writing papers about Art, Literature and other academic disciplines related to humanities.

To arrange an MLA format essay properly, one needs to adhere to the established essay formatting rules. Below, there is a list of points you need to pay attention to do everything right:

  • 12pt font size, Times New Roman
  • Double spacing applied to the entire text
  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • All pages of your MLA format essay should be numbered. Student’s last name and a page number have to be placed on each page in the upper right-hand corner as a header
  • Arabic numerals are to be used when numbering pages
  • The title has to be centered. No italicization, quotation marks or underlining is to be used. The title case is to be used.
  • The first line of each paragraph is to be indented 0,5 inch from the left margin. It’s recommended to use the “Tab” button to meet the mentioned requirement.

You shouldn’t forget about the academic disciplines which require using the MLA style. Other subjects require applying other formats for essays. If you have some doubts as to whether you are able to arrange your essay in MLA in the right way, contact us and be sure of getting professional assistance.

Tips on Making a Correct APA Essay Format

APA is short form of the American Psychological Association. This style is applied to papers written in social sciences. It ensures clarity of communication. The American Psychological Association has brought out a specific publication that contains guidelines covering all aspects of formatting papers in social and behavioral sciences. It assists in identifying authorship, constructing reference tables to avoid plagiarism, etc. To help you save some time, we have complied a list of useful tips on how to set the APA essay format correctly. First, it’s necessary to admit that APA format essay has also some notable distinctions from other styles. These are related to margins, headings, footnotes, font, header and footers and, of course, citations and referencing. So, draw your attention to the following points:

  • Set 1-inch margins on each side of a page that is 8.5x11 inch in size.
  • The text is to be double-spaced.
  • The font to be applied is 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Arial, or 11-point Georgia.
  • The page numbering is on the top right hand corner.
  • The paper title in the APA format should be typed in upper and lowercase letters. It should be centered and written in bold.
  • In the APA format, you have to indent you entire quotation ½ inch from the left margin. You have to put the name of the author, the year of publication and page number in parenthesis at the end of the quotation. For example, the citation would be like this (Ramsey & Border, 1985, p. 196).
  • A title page should include such items as the student’s name, institutional affiliation, course title, professor’s name and date.

The APA format as well as any other citation style dictates the basic structure of a piece of writing. A properly set format makes the papers easier to read, more interesting and, therefore, more attractive to the professor who will be grading it.


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Arranging Academic Writing in Chicago Style

When a student needs to write a paper in History, Business or Fine Arts, they use Chicago or Turabian styles. It’s necessary to say that Chicago style is mostly applied to academic writing concentrated on the source of origin. As to the essay formatting rules applied to this style, they are as follows:

Title page: The paper titles longer than one line need to be double-spaced. Student’s full name should be centered and placed in the very middle. The course number, professor’s name and the date should go down the page in separate double-spaced lines.

  • Margins: 1-inch has to be set on all sides except for the right side.
  • Spacing: Double spacing is to be applied to the entire text. There shouldn’t be any extra spaces between the paragraphs.
  • Font: The best option is to use 12-point Times New Roman.
  • Number of pages: A title page shouldn’t be numbered. The number of pages with the text should start with 2. A page number is to be placed following the last name on the top right.
  • Footnotes: These are to be provided in the quoted or rephrased passages.
  • Bibliography: Each entry starts with the author’s name and the source title followed by respective details. The list of sources is arranged according to the authors’ last names.

If it’s hard for you to keep all the mentioned rules in mind, contact our writing agency. We, at EssaysExperts.com, strive to make the lives of students who are having difficulties with essay formatting rules much easier.

Importance of Applying Formats for Essays Properly

Being required to arrange a paper in MLA or APA format (or any other one), students often get nervous and confused since they don’t get why academic writing has to be formatted at all. There are several points for you to pay attention to:

Better Communication

Since the fundamental purpose of academic writing is communicating ideas, correct formatting is what makes the process of conveying author’s messages easier. Properly organized quotes show readers that you’ve done in-depth research on the topic and used credible sources of information.

High Level of Professionalism

Whether you are to organize your paper in MLA or APA format, you need to do everything right. In this way, you’ll show that you respect the researchers the works of which you’ve referred to in your study.

Adherence to Guidelines

Following the established formatting rules, you show your professors that you take the given assignment seriously. Getting accustomed to following the set instructions, it will be easier for you to achieve the desired outcome whether it goes about a standard essay format or not.

Coherent Structure

A good format ensures a logical essay structure, which makes a paper easy to follow and understand. It helps readers clearly see the research question, thesis statement, supporting evidence, etc.

As it’s seen, the significance of a proper format cannot be underestimated. Whether it goes about Chicago, APA or MLA style, you need to strive hard to meet the set requirements. Otherwise, your academic work may look disorganized and incoherent. If formatting papers is not your cup of tea, address EssaysExperts.com  - one of the best writing agencies on the web.

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Need Formatting Help?

It is easy to forget many details related to various citation styles. This is especially true when professors assigns several papers in different formats. There is sometimes not enough time to learn everything about MLA style or that of any other kind before a paper’s due date. Still, there is no need to worry since the team of EssaysExperts.com is here to help you during those hard times.

EssaysExperts.com has been in the business of writing essays in various formats for many years. Our company has gained an excellent reputation for honesty, reliability and excellence. We have helped thousands of students find solutions to their writing problems. Our papers are of excellent quality and are guaranteed not to contain any errors, whatsoever. EssaysExperts.com exists to lend a hand to any student who needs the best writing help. So, if you see that you can’t arrange your essay in the required citation style, contact us straight away!

Best Writing and Formatting Assistance from Expert Writers

To provide our customers with great services, we employ professional writers who not only specialize in specific topics but also are experts in formatting papers.

  • Our writers have years of experience and excellent writing skills. Of course, they have to prove this to our human resources department before they are hired. We have a special set of tests that helps us identify qualified and talented specialists that are able to provide our clients with the best writing.
  • Regardless of the essay format, they can write perfect papers that will please anyone who chooses to use our services.
  • Our writers custom write each and every essay so that it meets the requirements provided by a client. If a paper is supposed to be 10 pages long, it will be 10 pages long. If it is supposed to provide a certain perspective on the topic, it will do that.

To get the desired piece of writing, our customers just need to let our writers know what they want and the paper will be written specifically in that way. So, if you want to get a well-done paper in a standard essay format or any other one, get in touch with our team!

Ordering Process at the Best Writing Site

Do you have problems with APA format? Does Chicago citation style drive you mad? Are you looking for a proper format example to know how to arrange your work? Place your order at our site and all your problems will fade away. How to do it? Check the following steps:

  1. Provide detailed paper requirements, i..e deadline, citation style required, number of pages, etc. Remember to attach the paper that has to be formatted.
  2. Pay for your assignment. Once the payment goes through, one of our professionals will be assigned to do your task.
  3. Download your piece of writing from your personal account when the date specified in the order form comes.

EssaysExperts.com is the best place to turn to for the best writing and formatting assistance. We continually strive for excellence, and we go out of our way to offer a friendly customer service that makes the process of doing business with us a pleasure. We are the best writing company that students can always rely upon!

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