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Compare and Contrast Essay

In your academic span ranging from high school to the university level you shall encounter several types of assignments particulary in essay segment such as argumentative or persuasive essay, cause and effect essay, classification essay, comparison essay, critical essay, deductive essay, definition essay, exploratory essay, expository essay, narrative essay, personal essay, research essay and responsive essay. Compare and contrast essay is one of these. Such essays concentrates upon usually two or more ideas or things and discuss the similarities which we call comparison and find difference from one another which we call contrast. Teachers give such assignment to students to cultivate connection between ideas and things. It encourages critical thinking and enhance inclination towards interesting analysis. One gets a deeper understanding when he ponders upon differences and similarities, their relationship and superiority of one over the others in terms of importance and value.

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You have grown up and learned alphabets of life by comparing and contrasting. You have only to put the same into structured sentences in the format of an essay.

Writing Guidelines from Qualified Online Writers

EssaysExperts.com may write on your behalf through its cheap custom essay writing service online. It may also assist you midway if you find any difficulty in giving your compare and contrast essay a logical structure and conclusion.

In order to refresh you about the lecture that you heard in your class room and the class notes you had taken for writing a good compare and contrast essay, we are putting below certain tips to guide you to become a good essay writer.

First carefully observe the things or matters you have been given as an assignment to write compare and contrast esasay. Make a list of similalrities between the two. This is compare. Look for the differences btweeen the two. This is contrast.

A Venn diagram is of great help for writing a compare and contrast essay. You choose the Venn diagram of two overlapping circles. The overlapped part will contain similarities between the two ideas, books or objects. The independent part of the circles will show the differences between the two on the extreme sides of the chord. Suppose you have been given a compare and contrast essay on two pizza outlets. Then the overlapping part of the two circle will contain similarities like: Pizzap place, cheap price, fresh pizza. The differences shall be shown on the left hand side of the un-overlapped circle for the first pizza shop such as: counter delivery, only veg pizzas, situated on higway. The other side will be attributed to the second pizza outlet such as : counter and home delivery, veg and non-veg pizza, situated in busy market place.

You may also make a table. The first column will consist of variables such as location, price, variety, delivery, ingredients, service. Seating/eating in, coupons etc. The second and third column will be attributed to each of the pizza outlet.

Similarly if your compare and contrast essay is about two products then you shall have to consider size, shape, weight, taste, color, sound, texture, smell, duration, number, and location.

While generating points for comparing and contrasting, you must follow your teacher’s guidelines given to you in one of his lectures. You may find it in your class notes. It is beneficial to consider the mindset of your teacher and incorporate the same in you compare and contrast essay.

The essay shall start with introduction stating your thesis. The body text will have several paragraphs. The first paragraph shall describe item, object or idea number 1. The second will describe number 2. The third paragraph will describe the similarities between the two. The fourth will do the same for differences. You may use Venn diagram and/or chart in between. In the concluding paragraph you shall give your judgment corroborating with the thesis in the introduction.

We shall be glad if you give a try yourself before deciding to buy compare and contrast essay from our cheap custom paper writing service online. Remember, we shall be writing on your behalf. The essay will be unique, original, plagiarism free and it would be read as if written by you from your class notes. 

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