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Book Review Essay

Book review essay writing is an integral part of the academic curriculum particularly when the students have taken up English course. Book review essay is also known as library review. It is quite different from book report due to subjective nature of the essay. In the latter, the document is reviewed in an objective manner.

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Peculiarities of Book Review Writing

Students must carefully read the requirements of a book review so that they could write effective and comprehensive essay.

To know the requirement of the assignment is the first stepping stone towards writing a great book review essay. Different institutions and different professors set out a different set of requirements and guidelines. On submission, the professor concerned first checks out whether all the guidelines and requirement have been honored.

Some professors allot a particular book for writing review. Some other allow number of books to be chosen from. Still, some others leave the option of selecting a book for review on the student.

The student must read the book in its entirety and try to understand the characteristic of presentation and the implicit content of the book. It is imperative that an exhaustive note is taken while reading to summarize different aspects of the book under review.

A proper analysis captures the main theme and salient features of the text of the book. These analyses should be presented fluently, coherently and as neutrally as possible. However, while writing a book review essay such as on “East is East & West is West: Neither the twain shall meet”, the critique may find himself leaning towards his place of origin. This is a natural expectation. One should try to simply state ideas, events and facts. The characters must not be mutilated in any way.

As usual, book review essay has three parts. These are introduction, body text and conclusion. The introduction states your point of view. The body text carries your arguments with examples to support your thesis in the introduction. The interpretive portion post mortems author’s way of presenting the material and the extent to which he has been successful. The conclusion is the summary of body text to confirm your thesis. You have to combine the summary with your interpretation as if they are made for each other.

Some students are more inquisitive in their approach in writing book review essay. They carry out further research to find out the mindset of the author. They try to investigate whether the environment had any effect on the author in writing certain situations in the book. Some students compare the work with those written on the same topic by few others. Some students compare two different works by the same author. All these require advance research which takes additional time and effort.

When you buy book review essay online from the custom essay writing service of EssaysExperts.com, all these important aspects are being taken account of. You get an excellent and plagiarism free book review essay from us at a cheap price and within a given deadline.

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