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Research Paper Guidelines

Research paper guidelines are available for students who are in need of assistance when it comes to writing a good term paper. There are several kinds of term paper guidelines which consist of varying formats and content but it is important to at least be aware of the basic elements of writing a research paper. Some guidelines for term papers are handed out by the teachers although most of the time, it is the student who must find research paper guidelines on his own. Most term paper guidelines have been created and developed according to the best practices for research paper writing while some guidelines are created specifically for the purpose of helping with the basics and correct formatting.

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What Are Research Paper Guidelines?

Basically, research paper guidelines provide the direction that a student must take in terms of coming up with and constructing a term paper. It is the goal of term paper guidelines to help the students deal with the entire process of writing and developing a good research paper. Usually, a term paper guideline includes helpful suggestions such as coming up with a good topic or drafting an outline.

In the research paper guidelines, you will typically find steps and instructions such as conducting thorough research before writing a paper, forming an outline before writing the first draft, carefully editing and revising your drafts before submitting your final output, coming up with a god thesis statement which will sum up and support the details of your paper, and avoiding the mistake of straying from the topic when writing the paper.

Research paper guidelines should also include a guide for correct formatting. The two major formatting styles that most educational institutions use are the APA and the MLA. Both styles use Times New Roman as the font, 12 as the standard font size, a one-inch margin on all sides, double-spaced lines, page numbers appearing on the top right corner of every page, and a cover page that includes the name/s of the researcher/s as well as the title of the research. While there are similar aspects to the formatting styles of both APA and MLA, there are still differences including the list of references, the citations, and other formatting options. Although the goal of these formatting types is for students to come up with term papers in uniform styles, students should pay close attention to the details and content to provide depth to the research and a unique quality to the term paper.

It is crucial for a student to come up first with a topic, draft an outline, write the first draft, and then carefully edit and revise the drafts. A student can also have his or her instructor check the formatting of the paper before submitting the final output in order to avoid any mistakes in the future.

Writing a term paper is relatively easy once you learn the basics and become aware of the different formatting rules and styles. The instructions and rules for term papers always vary depending on the teacher or the educational institution which is why it is necessary for those who are having difficulty writing a term paper to enlist the help of research paper guidelines in order to produce quality written output.

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