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Free Custom «Leadership» Essay Paper

Free Custom «Leadership» Essay Paper

My role model is my peer friend James. I was introduced to this friend by my o-level schoolmate, Zach. With time, James has become more of a brother than a friend to me. What drew me close to James was his exemplary, optimistic spirit. Optimism as defined to me by James, is the ability to see an opportunity in every difficulty. Its detractor, pessimism from, James field of thought is the tendency to perceive, and contemplate failure in every opportunity. With time, James optimistic ideologies have been realized by his securing a stable income since we quit college to date.


One of the traits inspired to me by James is optimism. In every interview I have gone through , I have always looked forward to securing myself a job after every interview. Though with not so much job opportunity coming my way, failing an interview has given me more impetus to search for more jobs, rather than being demoralized, thus adding more effort on my academic, in order to achieve my already set goals.

Optimism has evolved a leadership trait of resilience in me. A failure to realize a goal has inspired me to keep on trying till I achieve my goal. For this reason, failing succeeding only once in a hundred trials, has only taught me 99 ways that something can't work, rather than wear me out.

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In struggling with various life survival skills, this has created the exemptionary, crucial leadership trait; intelligence. From my field of thought, intelligence is not the level of mere contention between my mental and chronological age, but the wise lessons life has taught me. As I have struggled through various phases of life, intelligence has cognitively been instilled in me through successes and failures.


This is the cognitive attributes of my temperament. My individual aspiration are synchronous to those of my peer group and this has enabled us to pool our physical, human and cognitive resources toward the realization of this common goal. Psychologically, temperamental synchrony is repulsive, leading to disintegration of a group as each discrete temperament try to outcompete, that of another individual. So the group cohesion has been sustained by emotional, cognitive disparity, with only an organizational synonymous of common goal.

Group Management

I am a strong believer that it is worth letting every man run his show. The only limit to such a leadership style is in curtailing, the enjoyment of absolute freedom by group members. The leadership style that I apply is democratic, and not laissez fare as the latter implies. Societal and group freedom, in fostering the course of their intend goal should be conducted with a sense of responsibility. My intuition into leadership responsibility, also puts a limit to democracy. As is the case for freedom, there can't be democracy. There has never been an absolute democracy yet , that did not commit suicide. My leadership is more republican than democratic. In democracy leadership majority rules, but in republican leadership style, we have to control what majority can do to guarantee the inalienable right of the minority, such as religious freedom.

Leadership Style

The leadership style is fostered by the macro sociological approach adopted by a specific leader. Functionalist theorists field of thought, looks at the responsibilities vested upon an institution or a societal entity. Such leaders focus on economic and intellectual empowerment of a suppressed groups, as affirmative actions to elevate such a group to the same social ladder to their oppressors. The group machinery for accession to power is exclusively utilitarian and persuasively inspired, through functionalistic empowerment.

On the other hand, the conflict leaders, advocate precipitation of conflict, through coercive means to foster affirmative action for a marginalized groups. They believe in coercively, upsetting the institutional and societal functions that holds an oppressive regime at equilibrium. Their leadership implies that, the evolutionary trend towards equitable socio-economic and political privileges of people in a macro sociological entity, is fostered by conflictory upsetting the institutional functions of such a institutional and societal functions. Such leadership styles are characterized by strikes, boycotts and demonstrations.


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