Any organization wishing to remain afloat in today’s competitive environment, learning faster and better is critically important (Silber & Foshay, 2009). Most organizations apply easy and quick fixes usually driven by technology. This would, however, neither be sustainable nor possible what forces are behind an organization’s success in learning. The subsystems of an organization are the organization itself, knowledge, people, and technology. Each of these subsystems reinforces the other in amplifying the learning as it pervades across the system (Moseley & Dessinger, 2009). This paper discusses knowledge as a vital component of a learning organization as well as proposing a design for reinforcing knowledge using motivation.
In today’s organizations, learning is the means to success (others believe it is the key to survival). In fact, it is an indispensable asset to every learning organization (Moseley & Dessinger, 2009). Employee’s knowledge ought to be continually enriched through internal and external means of learning, in order to energize and support the organization, knowledge, people, and technology (Silber & Foshay, 2009). Progressive organizations recognize that learning is the outcome of knowledge and its valid source, and; therefore, the two are inseparably in connection and, as such, manage them accordingly (Watkins, 2005). Knowledge production in a learning organization is both individual and collective. While knowledge develops in individuals’ minds, its development feeds on a rich network of social interaction among persons, groups, and organizations (Silber & Foshay, 2009). It would, therefore, be the duty of all learning organizations to provide effective opportunities for the unhindered development of this knowledge and it’s sharing through interpersonal contact and easy access to documentation. It would be important to note that a learning organization’s prime warehouses of knowledge lie in the delivery and delivery of its services and/or products, strategies, procedures, and systems that it has put in place to inform its decision-making. Knowledge is an asset that needs to be managed, if any organization wants to reap maximum benefits from its employees. Organizational learning is the behavior that can be reinforced through motivation in the workplace (Silber et al., 2009).
According to Wong (2000) motivation is that process that initiates and sustains goal-directed performance. Motivation energizes one’s thinking, fuels their enthusiasm, and color positive and negative emotional responses to life and work 00). It breeds the mental energy that drives people to apply their knowledge and skills. In fact, in the absence of motivation, even the most competent persons are likely to refuse to work hard. Most importantly, motivation helps workers invest more cognitive effort to enhancing the quality and quantity of their work performance. Motivation is the result of three elements people’s values: people often prefer persisting at goals that they value. Secondly, people have confidence, when they perceive that some tasks are challenging, but possible to achieve. Finally, people’s emotional state or mood, positive mood states raise the likelihood that people will begin and sustain a behavior or process (Silber et al., 2009). However, although organizations are unique in a number of ways, there are a whole range of designs that learning organizations can use to achieve maximum motivation of their workers (Moseley & Dessinger, 2009).
Insufficient collection and utilization of knowledge will lead to poor performance and the eventual collapse of an organization (Watkins, 2005). Consequently, armed with this knowledge, organizations attempt to design various techniques in order to keep afloat, while maintaining a competitive edge against their rivals in today’s competitive market. Some organizations adopt the broad process of strategy development, while others pursue effective management techniques. Strategy development design involves putting the measure in place to overcome the roadblocks that impede learning. The creation of a conducive environment for social networking in the organization to take place is also very crucial. There should also be measures that link research to practice in the learning organization. At the management level, an organization that focuses on motivated design should focus on growing managers in the work place, not bosses. Effective managers of learning institutions should also be able of managing their workers’ knowledge and monitor the framework within which workers operate. Although the above designs do not explain the whole range of designs that learning institutions may undertake in order to institute the best design techniques in their management of the core organizational learning components, they lay the foundation upon which the success of an organization builds (Silber et al., 2009).
Knowledge is one of the most fundamental components of any learning organization (Silber & Foshay, 2009). It is arguably one of the most valuable assets any organization could possess. The thirst for knowledge gets its satisfaction from motivation, whereby one’s thirst for knowledge leads them to want to pursue the topic more and work harder towards attaining the set specific goal (Wong, 2000). Richness in knowledge enables top managers to make sound decisions concerning the operations and the future of any organization. Employee motivation is the driving force behind good performances and harmony among an organization’s workers (Moseley & Dessinger, 2009). However, well laid down techniques can bring soundness to an organization’s operations, or cast the organization into organizational problems, if not addressed.
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