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Essay Introduction

The first part of any essay is the essay introduction, which should begin with the subject’s general overview. The writing should gradually develop into a more specific statement of whatever the primary topic is about. This is known as the essay’s thesis statement.

It is a good idea that an essay introduction begin with an attention grabbing device that will cause the reader to want to continue through to the end. This can be made in the form of a claim that might challenge the reader’s sensibilities, or a brief story that might have some type of surprise that can catch the attention of the reader. The latter example often uses statistics, for example.

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The thesis statement as mentioned in the essay introduction should be kept to a minimum in terms of length. Typically, a brief statement in the essay introduction should not exceed a sentence or two about the overall point of the essay’s argument is. It should also cover what the paragraphs in the essay’s main body are to be about as the reader continues to read through the essay.

In a good example of an essay introduction in an essay about factory farming, it might begin with some general information about some negative aspect of factory farming that makes it a controversial topic, and also might include some statistics. Many people do not understand the negative affects that factory farming has on the environment, so the introduction might include some attention grabbing information about this aspect. After the example, the writer might wish to include some type of an anecdote, or a striking piece of information or data that strongly relates to and makes a statement about the topic of the essay. In the case of factory farming, for example, it might talk about the animal cruelty that is involved, or something along those lines.

After the attention-getting statement is made, the writer should familiarize his or her audience with the subject in more depth, sorting out details and presenting them in interesting ways. He or she might like to present the reader with a few questions to consider at this point, or the writer might choose one major question to address. He or she should next develop his or her viewpoint about this question’s best answer, giving the pros and cons of the situation or topic. All of this should build up to lead toward the essay’s thesis statement, without which, the essay would not technically exist.

It is important that the essay introduction be the most interesting part of the essay, overall. If the introduction is boring or stale, the reader will not go any further with reading, so the entire point of the essay will be lost. The main object is to make the piece interesting enough for the reader to continue to the very end. The introduction works well toward this goal if it includes very interesting information that will peak the curiosity of the reader.

It is important to make the introduction to an essay be a good balance with the rest of the essay. For example, if an essay is 12 pages long, the introduction should be longer than one simple paragraph. However, if the essay is only a couple of pages long, the writer should avoid an overly long introduction.

As anyone can discern, the introduction portion of any essay is of utmost importance. The same is true for each of the required parts individually. It can be overwhelming for a student to remember all of these elements. This is especially true if it is time for final exams and his or her attention is focused on studying and on other academic endeavors. At times, it is appropriate to seek the assistance of an outside source such as EssaysExperts.com.

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EssaysExperts.com is a writing service that exists to assist students who are overwhelmed by their academic writing requirements. We employ a team of professional writers who are experts at writing essays. In addition to essays, they can produce excellent academic writing of any variety. Our company has a very strong reputation for helping any student who needs assistance with any academic writing assignment or even just parts of an essay such as the essay introduction.

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