Table of Contents
There are numerous factors that are putting mid-level providers of health care into more major roles in hospitals. In her article The nurse practitioner will see you now Marcia Frellick, says this trend has reduced the gap between practitioner and consumers of healthcare service. For instance, these practitioners can perform duties such as counseling of patients, diagnosing and treating medical conditions, requesting for tests or therapy as well as providing counseling services to families. The benefits of this approach are quality care, reduction in costs and physicians have enough time to handle tougher cases.
The work that APs and NPs do in the provision of health care in hospitals is a very important one (Frellick, 2011). According to provided information, its ahs been shown that that there have been incidences when NAs and NPs have helped in handling casualties in times of emergencies like ice storm when ankle fractures pour in. In such occasions, the doctor might be on call for several hospitals attending to other patients on which these practicing assistants could take care of the X-rays. They could also decide to medicate the patient and make a significant difference in the period a patient might take or wait for the doctor. This role by practicing assistants is quite necessary and can help to reduce backlog as well as save the lives for those who access healthcare services. Besides, their practice has helped to provide cheap and affordable healthcare to patients as well as cutting the government expenditure salaries at the expense of NPs and APs (Slupphaug, 2010).
Regulatory barriers that are placed on nurse practitioner should be done away with. This is because; they have shown that they can be held accountable for quality and efficient care, which can be measured by outcomes on the receivers of health care. Studies show that APs and NPs are as effective as physicians in terms practices, and prescriptions. Recent studies also show that they received better results on their patients in terms of follow-up, counseling, screening and consultation time. Indeed, they should be motivated through reward for services they provide. I believe that, through rewards of long service for NPs and PAs, recruiting practicing NPs and PAs promotes advanced practice between healthcare workers therefore increasing competition and commitment in them. Through rewards of long service, there is increased ability in the nurses to serve patients effectively (Slupphaug, 2010).
According to the article, another emerging trend that the healthcare might experience will be increased healthcare costs brought about by not allowing the PA and NPs to assume higher role. If such a policy is executed, it will push health care costs up, thus making access to health care difficult, especially for those who do not have insurance cover. Other findings in the report in ‘The nurse practitioner will see you now’ evidently indicate that nurse practitioners offer above 80 percent of the care a physician offers. This is because nurse assistant are always available and at a relatively much lower cost. However, the need to increase NPs and APs is not the solution to the shortest faced currently in hospitals. There is need to invest in training more physicians to take care of supervision roles.
According to this analysis, I believe that qualified healthcare personnel should be unvaryingly allowed to perform at their greatest potential as healthcare providers. This kind of approach will help reduce the increased need for primary care physicians in the United States. Despite successes realized, there are those who are opposed to the good idea of approach of advanced practice nurse. This opposition has led to limiting the level at which PAs and NPs are able to practice. There is also need to establish uniform laws throughout the United States in order to help combat dire shortage of healthcare service providers.
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