In this paper we are going to develop a marketing plan for my favorite charity which is “Hope for poor Children, Minnesota”. This organization deals with vulnerable children who could be orphans, homeless or have any other special need with no one to care for them. Our objectives are providing home or shelter to the children, enabling the children to attend school by paying their school fees and other necessary supplies, providing the necessary items for recreation and sports, providing health care to the children as well as making the children have a normal life. We also rehabilitate children who could be under the influence of drug abuse and bad company which have corrupted their morals.
In our strategic plan this year, we have several objectives that will help us attain our goals. We need to look for more donors since we depend on well wishers to fund our projects. We also need to motivate our current donors since we have noticed that some of them are no longer donating to the organization. In addition, we intend to get young volunteers with expertise in web development and management, child health care, marketing as well as child psychology. Right now, the organization is operating under a very tight budget and hence we might not be able to give any amount to our volunteers. However, since we need them, we must do all that we can to get them, in addition to retaining them so that our course of action is not interrupted. To be able to achieve this we need to market our selves to the community around including the colleges to show people on the need we have as well as the benefits of offering a hand. We are going to ask anyone with the skills we require to offer their services albeit for some few hours daily, weekly or monthly depending on their availability. We are also going to approach corporate organizations to chip in their assistance either with funds or expertise or any other way possible.
As already mentioned, we do not intend to pay any amount to our volunteers. Therefore we must develop a good rapport with the community around us as well as those working with us in order to win their trust and co-operation. Our employees must be motivated to carry out their assignments without making them feel used. We must make them feel enthusiastic to work for the children even without a pay. Since we have several facilities such as the gym and the swimming pool, we can allow the volunteers to use them for free when they need to.
The next course of action is to market the home to prospective donors either individuals or corporate organizations. We must create a strong image that will make an influence in the community (Maynard, 2005). Since our target market is the local community, we intend to organize a 10 mile race cum walk, dubbed “A mile for the homeless” to create awareness and also to raise funds. We are going to approach media houses to advertise the race. We will try to persuade the media houses to air our advertisement for free or at a subsidized fee. For every mile, we are going to look for a sponsor. In addition, we plan to approach the local schools and colleges to participate in the walk with some sponsorship. We can also incorporate government institutions such as the army in the local barracks. Since we need all the help we can get, we have to mobilize every resource that is at our disposal. The race shall be ended here at our premises with a concert. We will invite several musicians and movie stars as well as business leaders in the concert so that we can be able to pull a bigger crowd. We believe we shall be able to get these ‘public figures’ for free in addition to getting some sponsorship from them. We shall also develop brochures that describe the donation opportunities, services, benefits and values of our organization (Clow & Baack, 2007). This way we will be able to kill two birds with the same stone. On one hand we will create awareness about our need for volunteers to work with us and we shall be able to raise funds for our activities.
Another marketing plat form we intend to use is the internet. We are going to develop our own website showing our activities, donation opportunities and values to the world. Since the internet is accessible by virtually every one, we would be able to get funds or even volunteers easily from all over the world. We also plan to use social media such as face book and twitter in our marketing. We all know that there is immense opportunity in the social media where we can reach millions of people with minimal or no cost at all.
In conclusion, our strategic plan for this year will major on marketing. We shall create awareness in the local community through social activities and also to the whole world using the internet and social network. We shall encourage volunteers from the local community, schools and colleges as well as the companies that surround us. In so doing, we shall be able to meet our goals of giving hope and a good life to the less fortunate little ones.
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