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Research Paper Introduction

A research paper is written as a result of a comprehensive investigation on a particular topic or subject. It is a formal and theoretical paper based on scientific research which is normally completed by students of different levels. Research papers have a standard format that is compulsory regardless of the extent of the study or the level of the student writing it. It should always follow the following format: introduction, body, conclusion and then the appendixes and references. The research paper introduction, being the foremost part, is a very important element of the entire document.

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Since the research paper introduction gives an overview of the report, it should be carefully written so that it will provide a direct-to-the-point synopsis of what the topic is about. It is imperative that the research paper introduction includes the thesis statement for the whole study either in the beginning or the end part.

In general, the research paper introduction should be written in a unique format, comprised of exclusive content that does not replicate itself in other parts of the research paper. The correct way of writing research paper introductions requires an in depth understanding of the subject.

Introductions are usually limited to a paragraph in length, but may vary depending on the formality of the paper. Theses and dissertations often require longer introductions. Nonetheless, it should only comprise of the overall presentation of the topic and should not include the procedure and result of the study. It is in the body of the research paper where the introduction and the thesis are explicated further.

A research paper introduction does not provide additional information other than the topic itself. It entails a general presentation of ideas that explain the importance of the whole content. The body, on the other hand, is where new ideas, information and proposals are introduced. The details of the report should be provided in the body, and accompanied with supplementary ideas or information pertinent to the research paper.

Writing the introduction part of a research paper is the attention step of the whole document. It needs proper formatting and content that will catch the attention of its readers and impress them in a straightforward manner. When done in the most correct method, the introduction will be easier to write than any other portion of the research paper. Although the cover page or the abstract is way easier to write than the introduction, the introduction still requires lesser efforts than writing the whole paper. Then again, whenever you need a hand at writing your introduction due to other commitments and workload that need to be finished, you can always make use of MasterPapers.com to help you with it.

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