The whole 3D printing is a very promising industry as it allows rapid and cost-effective development of other businesses. Furthermore, it may help improve people’s lives.
The first machine capable of printing 3D objects was constructed in 1983. It was Chuck Hall who printed a plastic cup. This was the first item to start the whole era of 3D printing.
Even if you haven’t used a 3D printer, you could have run across many printed objects. Hundreds of toy soldiers and small details are created with the aid of this technology. Nonetheless, 3D printer can build much more complex objects. Nowadays many elements of modern firearms are 3D printed.
One of the most stunning news is a possibility to 3D print habitable houses. It can change the whole construction industry and the world in general. Just imagine how the housing prices may drop with this cheap technology. People around the globe will be able to afford accommodation.
Healthcare and medicine are not an exception. Though this technology seems to be rather new, it may be used to save human lives. It can be used to print medical equipment. Developed countries do not suffer from its shortage, while underdeveloped do. Some countries or even regions have a severe lack of medical equipment. With the help of 3D printing, this problem may be eliminated. Nowadays, 3D printers are capable of creating a wide range of medical items, like vascular clams, tube racks, joint protractors, etc.
If you have heard of the humanitarian crisis in Haiti, you should know that many NGOs and volunteers who helped to deal with the aftermaths used 3D printed equipment.
It is a life-saving technology for people in need of prostheses. There are hundreds of soldiers, amputees, and victims of accidents who cannot afford expensive and functional prostheses. This technology offers a solution to their problems. Besides prostheses, 3D printing is tested in recreating other human body systems.
Recently, Spanish scientists presented a 3D bioprinter, which can create functional artificial skin. Every day, scientists are recreating more and more complex human organs with the help of 3D printing technology.
In general, this technology has a direct impact on the whole healthcare industry. It is used to solve humanitarian crises. It is also used to create limb prostheses at an affordable price.
In the future, it may be used to recreate damaged bones or tissues. It is the technology the whole world may benefit from.