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Bad College Essays: Mistakes You Must Avoid

Bad College Essays: Mistakes You Must Avoid

Let`s figure out what issues make your essay bad and how you can solve them.

Issues with the Topic

If you choose a topic badly, you may end up writing an awful essay and making a bad impression about your entire college application. Your ill-chosen topic can make the admission officers think that you aren`t mature enough, can`t express your thoughts properly, and are focused only on yourself.

Solution - don`t choose the topic that is:

  • Too Personal. If you reveal something really private, it may show that you don`t understand personal and social boundaries. So don`t write about something you wouldn`t tell a stranger.
  • Revealing of Bad Judgment. You don`t want the admission officers to dislike you, so don`t tell about any immoral or illegal actions you did in the past. However, there is an exception here. You can tell about a similar experience if you did it being in a completely different mindset than you have now and if you`ve learnt something very important that changed your life.
  • Too Confident. It is a good thing to believe in your abilities, but showing off is bad. Don`t focus your essay only on your accomplishments but include a moment of setback too.
  • Boring or Cliched. Your essay has to stand out among hundreds of others. It has to be memorable to your admission officer. So don`t make it trite or boring.
  • Off-Topic. Your admission essay should tell about you, your background and plans for the future. So avoid writing about another person or about something else irrelevant to you.
  • Offensive. Through your essay, you show your ability to communicate with others and open up to the new ideas. So don`t use an offensive tone.

Issues with the Execution

Sometimes, even if you choose a very god topic, you may end up screwing up with your essay by failing to structure or write your thoughts properly. Keep in mind that your admission officer wants to see a flawless structure of your essay because you`re expected to write good essays in college.

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Solution - make sure you don`t make any of the following mistakes:

  • Tone-Deafness. You essay has to show the qualities of resilience, optimism, and activity. In this case, the admission officers will like it.
  • Lack of Personality. Write in a way no one else would. Give your own perspective and develop your unique style.
  • Failure to Proofread. Check your essay by yourself. Have others check it for you as well. Make sure that it`s perfect.

Issues with Instructions

If you`re careless with essay instructions, you may create an impression that you either don`t want to follow them or don`t understand them. Both are bad.

Solution - just read the instructions carefully and make sure you follow them all.

So, are you ready to write an admission essay now?

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