The business of security is diverse and complex depending on corporate and functional elements of an enterprise. In addition, in the governmental sphere, it covers such areas as war activities, training, and related education. Such business is now more relevant than ever aiming to overcome insecurity and a crime rate increase around the globe. PwC has reported a 48% rise in crime-related incidents and security problems for the last two years (Sennewald & Baillie, 2015). It is partly because of new types of crime and security ventures in online platforms and inventions of cyber-attacks. Therefore, the paper aims to explore new key aspects of the business of security contrasting the professional and vocational part of it.
Professional security business is mostly based on corporate and governmental contracts and appointments of delivering security services (Purpura, 2011). Most police officers, intelligence agents and other security officials and employees in the government apparatus and agencies fall in this professional category. Here, people have either decided to work in security business as a career of their choice or passion, while others are motivated by more basic economic and income gains. For those working in the professional side of the business, operations are driven by institutional missions, objectives, and strategic visions. A strict protocol restricts their activities. With such established operational guidelines, there are higher outcomes in meeting standards and controlled activities (Purpura, 2011).
However, standardization does not guarantee quality and improved service delivery. In fact, some guidelines and restrictions lead to restrictive self-defeating or counterproductive results. For example, a constraint that requires a certain level of security clearance before handling a certain case or investigating it can cause the loss of valuable evidence because of the lack of investigation initiatives. On the other hand, vocational security business operates based on less restrictive and more flexible programs. Most of those who consider work their vocation are more dedicated and wider in their scope of operation. Usually, in the private sector, vocational security business can be related to certified patrol security agents, such as bodyguards, private investigators, and private guard firms. The work approach here is more innovative, flexible, and less restricted by the protocol. Whereas it is still governed by licensing stipulations and security industry compliance, the vocational element in private security tends to be more personal in service delivery since the business is primarily profit-based. Ethics in handling civilians, suspects, prisoners or restraining people in the crowd remains central. In addition, the integrity of any security apparatus is a result of the consideration of ethical principles that govern such system (Purpura, 2011).
In war efforts, security business is seen in such areas as the hiring of mercenaries and private security firms for specialized jobs, in which the government does not intend to involve its security apparatus directly. Services of guards in private prisons and custody facilities are also used when the government is overwhelmed by capacity or convenience issues. Such also serve to aid in times of emergencies and war when security is a very high priority. The government remains the primary source of education and training for such agents with private entities delivering internal and for-profit training of security officers. The advantage of training and education on security provided by the government is the assurance of a safe and acceptable security syllabus used in the public interests. Private entities can apply unorthodox and illegal training methods, which lead to the excessive use of force as long as personal gains are pursued in business. Such private educational institutions may not align with ethical expectations in the industry (Purpura, 2011).
In conclusion, the business of security is a multi-faceted phenomenon, which covers private and public institutions. The government is involved in security at an institutional level and in public service protection at the national one dealing with external security matters. Private entities also play a big part in security business with public security officers being involved in the business as well. At this point, the divide between the professional and vocational practice of comes into differentiated alignment.
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