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Custom Analytical essay samples

The Art Institute of Chicago offers a large collection of paintings and sculptures on display. All of the presented pieces of art belong to different periods and allow one to follow the development of art throughout the human history. The current ...
Introduction The pretend activities comprise the subset of play engagement that is characterized by the “as-if” stance and is layered over the reality. Pretend play can involve projecting imaginary properties and using definite objects ...
The issue of inadequate information privacy has led to many scholars and institutions finding techniques for securing data. Research on the controls aimed at improving the level of privacy and confidentiality is an important component of accounting. ...
1.    Proofreading Proofreading is a skill that needs to be practiced so that it forms a habit and becomes entrenched in a person. Many people do not have the patience of sitting down to countercheck what they have written down to ...
The article I have used as the basis for this rhetorical analysis is a 2007 blog written by Barbara Ehrenreich - a popular journalist, social activist, and author. The article is entitled: “What America Owes its ‘Illegals.’” ...
The lottery story by Shirley Jackson involves residents are in a preparation of following a longstanding traditional process of lottery. However, this proves to be a different type of a lottery as the winner gets a different form of present. This is ...
In her essay “Serving in Florida” Barbara Ehrenreich raises a very serious issue of being a simple worker in the US and surviving on a salary of $6 to $10 per hour. She discusses this question based on her own experience and on the ...
The study of paratext by Gerald Genette is a main taxonomic and synchronic approach and is based on the postulation that there is a neat boundary between what we can grade as text and the elements we can group together under the heading of paratext. ...
The Taiwanese cinema industry has introduced gifted film directors to the world’s history of cinematography. The extraordinary talent has attracted a large number of fans and researchers. However, Taiwan has encountered many challenges in its ...
The penalty of death is probably one of the most discussed issues. It is at the same time as old as the Earth itself and as new as all the fresh arguments added by modern society. The question raised by H. L. Mencken in his article "The Penalty of ...

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