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Article Writing

Everybody has tried writing an essay. So, one may think that everybody knows how to write an article. However, efficient article writing is no picnic. You should conform to certain rules and make your work compliant with all article writing standards.

Do you want to try? Then, our guidelines can be of great help.

  1. First, you should think of an outline for the article. No well-phrased article can go without a headline, introduction, body, conclusion and resources.

Please note that the reader will run eyes over only the first phrase and at once decide whether to keep on reading. Thus, the Headlineis to be a real head-turner. If the headline is catchy, you have a good chance to make the reader go on.

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The next part is an Introduction where you should present a problem that you are going to raise or write a brief story from your own experience.

Every well-written article has a Body where you see into a number of solutions to the introduced problem. Every paragraph should be about five lines long to be easy to interpret. Sub-headings are optional; however, if the article is read online they can make it easier for the readers to scan it. 

The Conclusion should summarize the article briefly and put the readers on leading up the ball.

Resources can be included into the body of the article or provided separately. The latter is preferable if you do not want people to read the article again to look for the resources.

The length of a Resource Box should not exceed 6 lines. It can contain your personal details and some information about your business. You can also add a link to your newsletter or website. So, article writing online can enable your readers to learn more about your company, services or products you offer, visit your website or subscribe to a newsletter.

  1. What is article writing? It is communicating with your readers. So, make this communication friendly and informal. Do not care too much about possible mistakes or stylistic devices. Try to organize the flow of your thoughts and later you will bring your article to perfection.
  2. Article writing is an art that you cannot master at once. It is not a common essay. The price of your success is your hard work. Take your time. Write an article but do not post it online at once. It is much better to read it once again in an hour, a day or even a few days. You will see how different your perception has become. After you look at the article with a fresh pair of eyes, you may find a couple of mistakes or inconsistencies which are to be corrected.
  3. Now you know how to write an article. However, that is not all. Now it is time to check the article. In this case a spell checker can be of great help to trace the most evident errors and typos. After that read the article several times to check for all grammar and punctuation mistakes that could have slipped into the article. Ask someone else to look the article through. Article writing is not to be treated lightly.
  4. Do not forget that article writing online is very demanding as for formatting. The sentence length should be not more than 60-65 works per line. Otherwise, people will not be able to read the article using their email software.

Now if you are asked, “What is article writing?”, you know the answer. But are you ready to take this upon yourself? You do not have not if you are not sure about that. A cheap online article service is at your disposal 24/7.

First-Class Online Writing Service

Our article service offers the best price for professional article writing. You cannot buy a custom written article of the same level anywhere else online. Use our services and make sure that cheap article writing can be really effective if done by professionals (expert American writers). Want to have something changed? Revisions are free within 48 hours after the deadline expiration in case some paper points were covered incompletely. Note that revision requirements should not contradict the initially provided ones. 

Buy a cheap ghost-written article and get all rights at once! Every article is custom written and 100 % original.

Cheap article writing will save you much trouble. 

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